
Care and Maintenance Guide ケア & メンテナンスガイド


Hirata Chairの製品は天然木材や天然革など、天然素材を多く使用しています。天然木や天然革は家具になっても生き続け、時間とともに変化・変色し続けます。私たちが作った製品が家族の一員となることを願い、少しでも長くより良い状態を保つために以下の取扱い方法に従ってお手入れを行なってください。また、記載しておりますお手入れ方法は一般的な方法です。それぞれの製品や素材に関しての詳細なお手入れ方法は家具を購入されたお店にお問い合わせください。


  • 家具についた汚れはシミの原因にもなりますので素早く取り除いて下さい。
  • 家具の上で鋭い刃物や尖ったもの、またざらついた硬いものを取り扱う時は、傷の原因にもなりますので柔らかな布などを敷くなどして注意してください。
  • 家具にとって水分や熱は割れや変形の原因となりますので、直射日光があたる場所や高湿度の場所、また高温の熱から避けて配置してください。また、熱いものを直接置くと変色の原因となりますのでご注意ください。
  • 家具を設置する際は水平を保つように設置してください。また家具に乗ったりすることは行わないでください、怪我の原因となります。
  • 家具を移動する際には数名で持ち上げ、安定した状況での移動をお願いします。引きずったり、押したりするような移動は行わないでください。取り付けの金具の損傷や家具本体の破損の原因となります。
  • 椅子の上に立ったり、肘かけや背もたれの上に腰を掛けたり乗ったりしないでください。倒れてケガをする恐れがあります。
  • 取扱注意点はそれぞれの製品毎にございます。使用上の注意事項を必ず理解の上、安全にご使用ください。






日常のお手入れはブラッシングや掃除機で織り目のホコリなどを取り除いてください。その際布をこすらないように注意してください。毛羽立ちや毛玉また糸ほつれの原因となります。 布の詳細なお手入れ方法は製品毎に異なります。ご使用の布種に従ったお手入れ方法をご確認ください。



  • 最高洗濯温度40℃手洗い
  • 漂白禁止
  • アイロン掛け、スチーム処理できない
  • 弱い操作により石油系溶剤(蒸留温度150℃~210℃ 引火点38℃~70℃)での商業ドラクリーニング可能
  • タンブル乾燥禁止
  • 日陰のぬれ平干がよい


布:N.C / TRADのお手入れ(汚れが付着した際)




  • 直射日光があたる場所や高湿度の場所、また高温の熱から避けて配置してください。
  • 革を濡らさないでください。
  • 革表面をビニールと長時間接触させないでください。
  • 強アルカリ、強酸性、有機溶剤等を付着させないでください。
  • 3ヶ月以上の長期にわたり、梱包状態のまま保管しないでください。










  1. 中性洗剤を2~3%の濃度まで薄めた液を柔らかい布等に含ませ、汚れを軽く拭き取ってください。
  2. 水に濡らした布等をきつく絞り、革表面に残った洗剤分をよく拭き取ってください。
  3. 乾いた柔らかい布等で革表面の水分を拭き取り、日陰で風通りのよい場所にて乾燥させてください。

ベジタブルタンニンレザー(Earth Leather)のお手入れ






  1. オイルを柔らかい布に含ませ、全体的にのばすように塗ります。
  2. オイルを全体に塗り終えたら、清潔な布で余分な油分を拭き取ります。
  3. 風通しがよく、直射日光があたらない場所で半日~1日ほど置いてください。





Ariake Collection is crafted with natural material like wood and leather, which color and accent will change over time. We hope that the furniture we craft will be seen as a member of your family and taken care to perform its best. This manual provide a guide on basic and general maintenance. For detailed instructions on each product and different material, please contact the shop you purchased from. You may also refer to the material specification sheet or visit our Ariake website for more information.

Important Points to use the furniture
・Clean any dirt on the furniture as soon as possible. It may leave stain which is difficult to remove.
・Sharp, coarse and hard objects may cause unrepairable scratch. Cover the area with soft cloth when using such items on the furniture.
・Moisture and heat will cause cracking, deformation and discoloring. Please keep the furniture away from direct sunlight or any source of heat. Avoid putting hot objects directly on the furniture.
・Please place the furniture on a leveled surface. Do not climb on the furniture as it may injure yourself.
・Lift the furniture up when you need to move it around. Please also ask for someone’s assistance. Inappropriate dragging and pushing may cause damage to metal parts and deformation.
・Do not stand on the seat of chair as it may injure yourself.
・Avoid sitting on the chair arm or implying unbalance pressure to the chair leg as it will cause damage to the furniture.
・Handling of each furniture varies from piece to piece. Thorough understanding of the suggested precaution is important to ensure your safety.

Maintenance of Urethane coated solid wood
Gently wipe the furniture before first use. For daily maintenance, wipe with a dry soft cloth gently. If you spill something which may leave stain, dab the spot with a soft damp cloth soaked in neutral detergent diluted (with water) in 3% to 5%. Wipe off the remaining detergent on the surface and let air dry.

Maintenance of Urethane coated veneer
Be careful not to have the cloth got entangled at the corner where the veneer joints. It may further peel off the veneer. Wipe the surface along the wood grain, from the center out to the edge when cleaning. Remove dust on the side or at the corner with a soft brush.

Maintenance of Upholstery
Vacuum the furniture regularly and use an appropriate nozzle (small with soft brush) to remove dust. Avoid rubbing too hard as it will cause pilling of the fabric. Straighten wrinkling on the fabric by hand and steamer occasionally. Clean up spilled liquid with a good absorbing napkin. Dap towards the center of the spillover for better soaking. brNever use concentrated detergent, bleach, ammonia, brightener or soap that is intended for hard surfaces to clean, it may cause damage and discoloring of the fabric. Spot cleaning of particular stain is also not recommended. When cleaning woolen fabric, soak a clean cloth in warm water and gently dap on the stain to clean. PH-neutral detergent solution diluted below 3% can be applied for stronger cleaning purpose. Avoid strong rubbing.
Maintenance of Aniline Leather
To preserve the authentic softness of the material, Aniline Leather is usually not artificially treated on the surface. It is a characteristic of aniline leather that natural marks like insect bites and scratch will be remained as how they are. Due to the delicateness of this material, it is more susceptible to dirt and stain during daily use. Additionally color will get darker gradually over time. Beware of damage from sharp object and strong solvents and detergents. Cleaner and maintenance goods for leather product is recommended for Aniline Leather, while cleaning with water may leave permanent stain.

Maintenance of Semi Aniline Leather
Semi Aniline Leather is treated with a slight protective coating, while natural marks like insect bites and scratch will still be remained. Vacuum regularly with an appropriate nozzle and be careful not to scratch the leather. To remove stain, use a clean and lint-free cloth, apply foam from PH-neutral detergent solution diluted below 3% or soap water then dap dry. Do not let any solution penetrate into the grain of the leather. Apply maintenance lotion specifies for the leather several times a year for longer durability. Avoid sharp objects and strong solvents / detergents.

Maintenance of Pigmented Leather
Pigmented Leather is treated with surface coating for easier maintenance. It is however similar to Aniline and Semi Aniline Leather that it is delicate and weak to rubbing. Please be careful while cleaning with vacuum cleaner and use an appropriate nozzle. To remove stain, use a clean and lint-free cloth, apply foam from PH-neutral detergent solution diluted below 3% or soap water then dap dry. Do not let any solution penetrate into the grain of the leather. Apply maintenance lotion specifies for the leather several times a year for longer durability. Avoid sharp objects and strong solvents / detergents.

Maintenance of Paper Cord
Paper cord is twisted from paper string without surface coating and therefore weak to dirt and stains. Liquid like coffee or red wine will case instant stain. In case of spilling, dap with a soft damp cloth to absorb. Do not wipe on the surface. Do not use any solvents. Avoid sharp objects as that will cut through the string.

Maintenance of Steel
Steel used in the furniture is powder coated to avoid corroding and scratch. It is recommended to clean occasionally to protect the surface from peeling and corroding. Please be reminded that the part touches the floor or by shoes is easier to peel off. To clean, slightly soak a soft and lint-free cloth in PH-neutral detergent solution diluted below 3%. Remove dust at joint between the steel and wood with a soft brush. Do not use sharp cleaning tool, water, solvent or scrubbing cream which will accelerate corrosion. Scratches and corrosion will affect the strength of the furniture. Dry thoroughly when moisture remains on the surface.